Beth Ohr Men’s Club was established in 1961 to promote fellowship and Jewish ritual traditions and practices among the men of Beth Ohr and to provide services to the Congregation.
Membership is open to members of Congregation Beth Ohr. However, you do not need to be a Men’s Club member to attend the Sunday Morning Minyan or any Men’s Club or Beth Ohr events and all community members, men and women, are welcome.
A bagel breakfast is available following services at every Sunday minyan which is free and open to anyone – men and women. Dress is casual, very casual. Occasionally there are impromptu discussions with Rabbi Mishkin at the breakfast, but usually there is plenty of camaraderie and discussions of many current, and not so current topics. As part of the minyan there is a One Minute Dvar Torah and announcements of upcoming Beth Ohr and Men’s Club events and a rare magic trick and gifts for kids under 13 who attend the Sunday minyan. For anyone interested we provide shofar lessons during the month before Rosh Hashanah and Tefillin lessons year long.
Men’s Club Beth Ohr is a member of the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs (FJMC) and participates in its activities including the World Wide Wrap Tefillin Program in February and the Presidents’ Dinner in June. We provide FJMC sponsored Yom Hashoah Remembrance Yellow Candles to all congregants at no charge. Yellow Candles are available at Beth Ohr to community members also at no charge.
Men’s Club provides services to the Synagogue for the High Holidays by changing the Torah Covers and Ark Curtains, setting up the chairs in the sanctuary, changing the prayer books, providing ushers, offering a Shofar blowing demonstration as well as raising the Sukkah.
Recurring annual programs include two joint programs with Sisterhood frequently with book authors, an annual February financial program, a barbeque and election of officers’ meeting in May and a Siyum for the fast of the first born before Passover, presentation of an annual Sydney Lustgarten Mensch Award in December and two pancake breakfasts usually on the Sundays closest to New Year’s Day and Independence Day (with red, white and blue pancakes) along with many seasonal events.
A weekly Dvar Torah for the forthcoming Shabbos is emailed every Thursday to all congregants and others requesting it.
For anyone interested, but not currently receiving Men’s Club emails with updates, program information and the weekly Dvar Torah, and for additional information, send a request to or call Ed Mendlowitz at 732-890-3344.
Press release for Men’s Club Program